Wednesday, May 31, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Workers’ Compensation Summons Return Date and Public Hearing Notice Requirements Amended

Legislative Bill 191, enacted on May 24, 2023 during the 108th session of the Nebraska Legislature and signed by Governor Pillen two days later, makes several changes to the Workers’ Compensation Act that will help modernize and increase the efficiency of the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. Select this link to read the news release.

Career Opportunity: Accounting Assistant / Data Collection and Research Analyst [UPDATE: Position Closed]

This position is now closed. (

Thursday, May 11, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Electronic Notice (E-Notice) coming to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court is preparing to implement electronic notice (E-Notice) this summer. E-Notice is the electronic transmission of notices, opinions, court entries, and any other dispositional orders from the court to all users who have registered for E-Filing. Select this link to read the news release.

NEWS RELEASE: Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Burial Benefit To Increase

The burial benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $11,300.00 effective July 1, 2023. This benefit applies upon the death of an employee, resulting through personal injuries as defined in NEB. REV. STAT. § 48-151. Select this link to read the news release.