Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Updated Rules of Procedure, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s revised Rules of Procedure are now available ( Amendments to Rules 2, 3, 47, and Addendum 2 were adopted at a public meeting on April 11, 2019. Non-adjudicatory Rule 47 and Addendum 2 became effective April 11, 2019. Adopted amendments to adjudicatory Rules 2 and 3 became effective May 8, 2019, following review and approval by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Please note that newly adopted and approved summary judgment procedures are contained in Rule 3,E. If there are any questions regarding summary judgment procedures, please call the court’s Information Line at 402-471-6468 or 800-599-5155 (toll free) and ask to speak with the Clerk’s Office.