Friday, December 8, 2023

Public Hearing and Public Meeting: December 28, 2023

The Notice, Agenda, and Draft Proposed Amended Rules for a December 28, 2023 public hearing and public meeting are available for viewing or downloading (

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Thursday, November 16, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Maximum Weekly Income Benefit To Increase

Effective January 1, 2024, the maximum weekly income benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $1,094.00. This amount applies to work-related injuries and illnesses occurring on or after January 1, 2024 (

Monday, November 13, 2023

Notice to Attorneys: NWCC decisions, orders, and notices will now be sent via Electronic Notice (E-Notice)

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court has implemented electronic notice (E-Notice) following Nebraska Supreme Court approval of recently adopted amendments to its Procedural Rules 2 (Filings), 3 (Pleadings), and 11 (Decisions). E-Notice is the electronic transmission of notices, opinions, court entries, and any other dispositional orders from the court to all users who have registered for E-Filing. With E-Notice, attorneys will no longer receive these documents through the United States Postal Service (regular mail). Select this link to contact us with any questions about E-Notice and E-Filing.

Rules of Procedure, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s revised Rules of Procedure are now available ( Amendments to Rules 2, 3, and 11 were adopted at a public meeting on October 12, 2023. Adopted amendments to these adjudicatory rules became effective November 8, 2023, following review and approval by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Monday, October 23, 2023

Decision Summaries, FY 2023

Summaries of Nebraska Supreme Court and Court of Appeals Decisions on Workers’ Compensation Cases for fiscal year 2023 are available on our website (

Monday, October 16, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Electronic Notice (E-Notice) coming to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court is preparing to implement electronic notice (E-Notice) upon review and approval of recently adopted amendments to its Procedural Rules 2 (Filings), 3 (Pleadings), and 11 (Decisions) by the Nebraska Supreme Court. E-Notice is the electronic transmission of notices, opinions, court entries, and any other dispositional orders from the court to all users who have registered for E-Filing. Select this link to read the news release.

Friday, October 13, 2023

Recently Adopted Rule Amendments

Amendments to Rules 2, 3, and 11 were adopted at a public meeting on October 12, 2023. Adopted amendments to these adjudicatory rules will become effective upon review and approval by the Nebraska Supreme Court (

Friday, September 22, 2023

Public Hearing and Public Meeting: October 12, 2023

The Notice, Agenda, and Draft Proposed Amended Rules for a October 12, 2023 public hearing and public meeting are available for viewing or downloading ( 

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

DRG Reporting Web Application Now Available

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court has activated its web-based data entry application for Diagnostic Related Group (DRG) reports. Hospitals and payors may report for themselves, or they may allow a third party to report for them (

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Web service domain changes for Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

Effective August 1, 2023, URL links to the following Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court web services (web apps) will change from the “” domain to the “” domain:

  • Search Employer Coverage (
  • Search Decisions and Orders (

Please note that any “bookmarked” URL links to these web apps will need to be reset. 

Regarding the Decisions and Orders search app, applying the following settings may be useful. Once selected, these will be saved in your computer's browser cache and they won't have to be reapplied unless the cache is deleted.

  • Select "all of the words" from the drop menu to the right of the search field
  • Check the "Stemming" search option
  • Select "date" in the Sort Type drop menu

Search Field Image

The public may contact us with questions about these web apps.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

REMINDER: New address for United States Postal Service mail delivery to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court

LINCOLN, Neb. — As a reminder, the address for regular mail delivered to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court by the United States Postal Service has changed, effective July 1, 2023, to 1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68508-2833. Select this link to read our June 12, 2023 news release regarding this change of mailing address.

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday, June 22, 2023

NOTICE: E-Filing System Technical Issue [Resolved]

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court has resolved its E-Filing system technical issue. E-Filing is now available. Please contact us with any questions.

NOTICE: E-Filing System Technical Issue [Update]

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court continues to work with its vendor to resolve an issue with our E-Filing system. During this extended outage, attorneys may submit pleadings by fax with the exception of settlements. Settlements must be delivered in paper format accompanied by a paper check until the outage is resolved. For pleadings submitted by alternative means during the outage, the filer is responsible for service of the document(s) on parties entitled to service pursuant to Rule 3,B. Please contact us with any questions.

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

NOTICE: E-Filing System Technical Issue

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court is working with its vendor to resolve an issue with our E-Filing system. We expect the issue to be resolved by end of business today. 

Monday, June 12, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: New address for United States Postal Service mail delivery to the Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court

LINCOLN, Neb. — Effective July 1, 2023, the address for regular mail delivered to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court by the United States Postal Service will change to 1010 Lincoln Mall, Suite 100, Lincoln, NE 68508-2833. Select this link to read the news release.

Friday, June 2, 2023

Statistical Report, 2018 through 2022

This report summarizes information electronically reported to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court by employers and insurers for work-related injuries and illnesses that occurred during calendar years 2018 through 2022, regardless of the year the injury reports were filed. The court is engaged in ongoing efforts to refine the data presented in this report, working with employers and insurers to improve its quality. Data for previously reported calendar years is divided into subcolumns that illustrate how data changes over time as a result of late reporting and corrections (

Thursday, June 1, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Judge Fitzgerald retires after 27 years with the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

Judge J. Michael Fitzgerald retired on May 31, 2023 after serving 27 years on the bench of the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. The court extends its appreciation and thanks to Judge Fitzgerald for his many years of service. Select this link to read the news release.

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Workers’ Compensation Summons Return Date and Public Hearing Notice Requirements Amended

Legislative Bill 191, enacted on May 24, 2023 during the 108th session of the Nebraska Legislature and signed by Governor Pillen two days later, makes several changes to the Workers’ Compensation Act that will help modernize and increase the efficiency of the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court. Select this link to read the news release.

Career Opportunity: Accounting Assistant / Data Collection and Research Analyst [UPDATE: Position Closed]

This position is now closed. (

Thursday, May 11, 2023

NEWS RELEASE: Electronic Notice (E-Notice) coming to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court is preparing to implement electronic notice (E-Notice) this summer. E-Notice is the electronic transmission of notices, opinions, court entries, and any other dispositional orders from the court to all users who have registered for E-Filing. Select this link to read the news release.

NEWS RELEASE: Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Burial Benefit To Increase

The burial benefit under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act will increase to $11,300.00 effective July 1, 2023. This benefit applies upon the death of an employee, resulting through personal injuries as defined in NEB. REV. STAT. § 48-151. Select this link to read the news release.

Friday, April 21, 2023

Website and email domain name changes for Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

Effective April 26, 2023, the court’s website and email domains (website and email addresses) will change from the “” extension to “” 

Please note that some “bookmarked” links to specific pages of our website may need to be reset. Also, email address books listing Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court personnel will need to replace the old format of “” with the new format of “” This also includes any group addresses for our court’s personnel. To keep it simple, the name part of the email address before the “” will remain the same.

The public may contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns about the domain change process.

Friday, April 7, 2023

Judicial Assistant Update

Evonne Nelson
Effective April 10, 2023, Evonne Nelson will begin serving as the Judicial Assistant for Judge Martin as well as for Judges Fitzgerald and Block. More information about the judges and professional staff of the Nebraska Workers Compensation Court can be found on our website.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Workers’ Compensation Auditor Selected

Erica Ziemann

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court is pleased to announce Erica Ziemann as its new Workers’ Compensation Auditor, effective March 1, 2023. The auditor position is responsible for the court’s self-insurance program, which is managed by the Regulatory Programs section of the court. 

In her new role, Erica will review applications from individual employers to self-insure their workers’ compensation liability, determine and collect fees and assessments, and monitor the employers’ continued ability to meet their financial obligations under the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Act. As self-insurance privileges are subject to periodic review and renewal, Erica will conduct periodic on-site audits of payroll records.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Bureau of Labor Statistics Survey and Census Data for 2021

News releases regarding the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Nebraska Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses and Nebraska Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries for 2021 are now available. For more information, please visit our website to view the 2021 BLS injury survey and fatality census data for Nebraska. Any employer selected to report data for the BLS injury survey and fatality census may contact us with questions. General questions from the public are also welcomed.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Nebraska EDI Claims Release 3.1, Version 1.5, EDI Requirement Tables Available

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Claims Release 3.1 tables have been updated with changes identified as Version 1.5. Select this link to view the related news release on our EDI website. This website also contains other recent Nebraska workers’ compensation EDI claims news and updates (

Friday, January 27, 2023

New E-Filing and Pleading Format Requirements in Effect for Filings Submitted to the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

Mandatory E-Filing of all pleadings filed by Nebraska attorneys in the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court (NWCC) as well as new accessibility requirements for the format of all pleadings became effective January 25, 2023. Select this link to read the news release.

Rules of Procedure, Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court

The Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s revised Rules of Procedure are now available ( Amendments to Rules 2, 3, 8, 13, 14, 26, 42, 45, 47, 63 and Addendum 2 were adopted at a public meeting on December 29, 2022. Non-adjudicatory Rules 42, 45, 47, 63 and Addendum 2 became effective December 29, 2022. Amendments to Rule 26 became effective January 1, 2023. Adopted amendments to adjudicatory Rules 2, 3, 8, 13, and 14 became effective January 25, 2023, following review and approval by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Decisions and Orders search capability expanded

The Decisions and Orders dtSearch-based web application can now be used to search all Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court decisions and orders going back as far as 1992. Previously, this application could only deliver 10 years' worth of search results. Some 30 years' worth of information are currently available, comprising more than 43,000 electronic files.

The reconfiguration of this web application and associated file mapping upgrade was made possible as part of the court's modernization project. As an added benefit, the application now delivers faster performance in returning search results.

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court adopts mandatory E-Filing for Nebraska attorneys

The Nebraska Workers' Compensation Court adopted amendments to Rule 2, Filings, to require Nebraska attorneys to E-File all pleadings in 2023. This amendment will become effective upon review and approval by the Nebraska Supreme Court.

NEWS RELEASE: Change in mileage reimbursement rate

Effective January 1, 2023, the mileage rate will become 65.5 cents per mile for travel to seek medical treatment or while participating in an approved vocational rehabilitation plan. See related news release ( 

Historic mileage reimbursement rate information is available in the Tables of Maximum / Minimum Compensation Benefits, Burial Benefits, and Mileage Reimbursement Rates on the Nebraska Workers’ Compensation Court’s “Benefits” web page (

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Schedules of Fees for Medical Services, Inpatient Hospital Diagnostic Related Group (DRG), and Inpatient Hospital Trauma Services

Schedules of Fees for Medical Services, Inpatient Hospital Diagnostic Related Group (DRG), and Inpatient Hospital Trauma Services may be downloaded from the Fee Schedules section of the court’s website ( These schedules are effective January 1, 2023.